
finally - photos

At last, we are getting a bit more accustomed to being a family of (gasp) FIVE! We are all starting to settle into our new roles, while slowing our pace to fit our new family schedule (or lack thereof). And somehow amidst it all I managed to steal some time to edit the photos from little Miss Penelope's birth. It only took me a month... (plus yet another week to upload & post!)
Big thanks to Lisa who braved the delivery AND managed to capture some amazing images, and to Nana who, unbeknownst to me, picked up the camera when the kids met their new baby sis just minutes after birth and took our very first family photo.
What a proud moment it was!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow they look so great!!! you make it look so easy peasy kath. you are amazing. miss you guys bunches; wish i could get my mits on that bebe.