Today was Sydney's first day of "school" at the YMCA - and she seemed to have a blast. Before we left this morning, I was trying to prepare her for the reality that I wasn't staying with her, and she looked at me and said, "Mummy, you gonna go home? do a little work?" and when I said, "yes," she got a far away stare and then quickly looked back at me and screamed, "I play with KIDS!" (Picture full fist pump & leg stomp here for added emphasis.)
There were definitely a few moments when I dropped her off where she got incredibly shy and looked around at the other kids like they had three heads, and I have to admit every time the phone rang while I was home, I instinctively thought it must be the Y telling me Sydney was crying hysterically for me, but I also got the entire house cleaned had two loads of laundry done, checked my email and even had time to plan dinner.
Don't get me wrong, it made my day to hear, "It's my MOMMY, it's my MOMMY!" when I picked her up, but it would have been an added bonus if she was actually willing to let go of her kung-fu grip on the swingset in order to come home with me.